The DGParong Exotic Fruits Galleria is also a small-scale grower of selected quality planting materials. Among the stocks
available on sale are as follows:
DRAGON FRUIT SEEDLING/CUTTINGS: White-fleshed and pink-fleshed
MANGO: CHOKANAN & GUIMARAS (Large planting materials available in 5 gallons plastic bag)
RED GUAVA (while supply lasts)
CHINESE WATER CHESTNUT (while supply lasts)
MIRACLE FRUIT (while supply lasts)
Bignay plants
The nursery is located at Centerville, D.S. Garcia, Cabanatuan City at the back of Central Terminal. Cuttings of dragon
fruit may be shipped through LBC. Cost of handling & delivery will be added to the total costs. Other plants materials
are for pick up only.
Interested individual may contact/text me at mobile number: 09184978643 or email: davidparong@